Politics Live Blog: 28 August - 3 September

Glenn McConnell
Glenn McConnell

Foreign buyer tax for mansions, but ban for under $2 million houses

The National Party is relying on wealthy foreign buyers, and a new tax targetting them, to provide $740 million per year in Government revenue.

The party is proposing giving foreign buyers access to property sold for $2 million plus. It wants to impose a 15% tax on those sales.

National Party finance spokesperson Nicola Willis said she expected fewer than 2000 houses each year to be sold and taxed under this plan.

This is a partial reversal of the 2018 foreign home buyers ban, imposed by the then Labour and NZ First Government. At the time, overseas buyers accounted for about 3% of house sales.
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Updated at: 09/03/2023 06:46 AM